Wheatley 1st XV
Thu 23 Feb 2017
Wheatley RUFC
Wheatley 1st XV
Wheatley RUFC

Match Preview

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Match details

Match date

Thu 23 Feb 2017


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Main Sponsor - claireLOGIC
Shirt Sponsor - PeopleValue
Shirt Sponsor - Grant & Stone
Player of the Month Sponsor  - Turner Properties
Clubhouse Board - Dionarch
Shirt Sponsor - Renelec
Shirt Sponsor - Agetur UK
Clubhouse Board - Earthline Ltd
Shirt Sponsor - Oxford Solar PV
Shirt Sponsor - Taylor Services
Shirt Sponsor - Anderson Orr
Short Sponsor and Beer Provider - XT Brewing Co.
Club House Boards - M40
Clubhouse Board - Cinnamons
Sponsor - Wheatley  Estates
Sponsor - Fantastic Fireworks
Event - OddBalls
Player Sponsor - A.W Mobbs